Sunday, July 19, 2009

Love- A good feeling or a lesson???

In life, it is very important to have a partner. In school, it may appear very childish, we often classify a liking towards the other person as an infatuation, a crush etc. As we proceed to our college life, for some it is a status symbol to have a girlfriend / boyfriend and claim to have inseparable love towards each other, for some it’s a search for a ‘special’ person in life, with whom they would like to live their life ahead. The search for the ‘special’ person in life does not have to start necessarily at our college time, it can happen to us anywhere, may be way back at school, college life, working life… All of us, somewhere realize that we need a partner in our life, we need to be loved, someone to share our most intimate feelings, we need the ‘special’ person to make a difference in our life, someone to fall back upon at our bad times, someone ‘special’ for whom you would always want to go back home…. These are just feelings which a person experiences when he / she is in love……

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings which person can experience in life…. Thinking of your partner brings a smile on your face, makes you care for the person at any situation she undergoes, when one message on the phone makes your day, the day is incomplete without talking to her. You cannot just keep your phone down without talking to her for hours, you can fall back at her at any situation in life, the time spent with her always seems to be short. Love changes our life, into one of the most beautiful feeling God has created… For every important decision in life, you would want her share of decision also, wishing that at the end of the day we lived happily with our loving partner. You wish that you had met her a little earlier in life, in order to spend more time with her… The feeling of ‘love’ is so strong that it motivates you to make her yours in life, overcoming any amount of problems, which you encounter in your journey of life… You are ready to take any challenge in life, whether its studying hard ahead for your future, convincing parents for accepting your loved one in your family etc.. It makes a person strong, more responsible and dedicated, in order to make your life complete along with your partner. At the end of the day, a smile on her face, just melts you down, compelling you to forget any problem/ bad situation in life… The smile on her face just makes your life worth living…..

In a coin, there are two sides, the same is with love, there is a good side, and there is a adverse side also. When your loved one leaves you, there is a kind of zeroed feeling that happens in your heart. Life seems to stop for a while; there is always a hope in mind that you could get back with the person you loved. Then it is somehow a run to correct all the mistakes you had realized you did in the relationship. This teaches you a lot, as to how you could improve a relationship, love your partner, and care for her. However, when you realize that you can never get her back, life just seems to loose worth living. You fail to see the colors of life, the hope just dies down. You get scared to get into any kind of relationship, the fear of failure just haunts you now and then… It takes years to resurrect to where you were before the relationship happened to you. Sometimes it happens fast, but in some cases it may take time, may be even 2 years to resurrect to what you were… however, it varies to each individual… However, once you get back to life, these lessons just help you go ahead well in your life… There are times when your heart feels lonely, but still there remains a hope that someday , somewhere you will find your someone ‘special’ in life.. It is those feelings that keeps you going and enjoy the most wonderful feeling of love… The lessons that you learnt earlier help you to protect the relationship in the best possible way… You understand the sensitivity of any situation, which you may not have realized in the earlier relation. However, you still have insecurity somewhere within yourself, which makes you give you’re everything to nurture the relationship, to love the person, to care for her, to bring that one smile on her face that just makes your life worth living….

Love is a wonderful feeling, which needs to be preserved and enjoyed every moment…. The lessons help you nurture your relationship in the best way in order to make love the most beautiful feeling…..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sometimes life seems to be very very difficult. I used to wonder at times that how difficult life is, the problems never seem to be ending, relations never seem to build up with utmost satisfaction, the person you like and love never seemed to trust you, your friends seem to be doubtful about your relation….although with one of the best jobs in hand, still not contented with it…..

You give your 100% for everything you want in life….. When in college as a dedicated student, the person just dedicates his/her time and energy to get the maximum marks out of all the hard work that he /she put in… to just realize that may be it was not enough, as some people are just born smart or had a very systematic approach to studies right from childhood, while at that time the other person was busy carving his life to be an all –rounder with a good performance on sports, music and studies sometimes….. Anyway you get the ultimate happiness when all the hardwork in school and college shows up in your work life.. People know you and respect you for who you are, not only for the academics in college…. The BIG event called life always has something to look forward in life, may be at times the person felt, why the hell should I work so hard, to ultimately land up in low paying / unsatisfying job, but he/ she should always remember, LIFE does not end at a particular time, it just takes off from every moment you think the time has stopped…..

In personal life, I always wondered, why the person he/she loves does not trust the partner, is it a search for a new partner or due to a high dissatisfaction level the relationship or is it the nature of the partner or lack of trust on the partner… I never got an answer to this question.. its still an unanswered question…. The impact on the other person is very adverse, he/she looses the confidence and trust in any relation… It’s the fear of breaking a relationship that refrains the person to ever get into any kind of relation whether its love, friendship etc… There are some situations in your life when your close friends fail to understand your problems, situations in which they never seem to trust you… Instances when your close friends fight, and you try to work hard to keep both of them and encourage them to get back, only to realize that may be you may be forgotten later. Its such situations in life that make you weak, feeble and helpless….. Again this event called LIFE has always taught you how to be strong, aggressive ad look forward to the best times which are left in life…. Relations have to be treated with utmost care and hard work….. These are the things which make our life worth living….. At the end of the day, there are so many events in life which we have to look forward for, instances when your best friend needs you to be there in phases of his/her problems, happiness etc., when you start liking someone hoping that some day you will get the love of your life, when your presence brings a smile on a few faces , even though its only one. These are some instances , EVENTS which make a LIFE A BIG EVENT…… Its really a event of happiness, which we should enjoy, cherish and look forward to each and every moment…